What is the purpose of the Qualified® prenatal test?

What is the purpose of the Qualified® prenatal test?

What is determined by the Qualified® prenatal test?

 XXX (Trisomy X)Information about X/Y chromosomal disorders

Two sex chromosomes (X and Y) determine whether the baby will be male or female. X and Y chromosomal disorders occur in cases where a copy of the sex chromosome is missing, an extra copy is present, or it is incomplete.

The Qualified test option with the analysis of these chromosomes may be used for: 

  •  XXX (Trisomy X)
  •  XYY (Jacobs syndrome)
  • XXY (Klinefelter syndrome)
  • X chromosome monosomy (Ullrich-Turner syndrome)

These disorders vary greatly in severity. Most of those affected suffer from minor mental behavioral disorders, as well as from infertility.

X/Y chromosomal disorders

Turner syndrome 

Turner syndrome is a genetic abnormality that affects only female children and occurs when one of the two X chromosomes is missing. Turner syndrome can cause a wide range of health and developmental abnormalities. Including short stature, lack of ovarian development, and heart defects.

Klinefelter syndrome

Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic abnormality in which a male child has an extra copy of the X chromosome so that its genetic record is 47, XXY. The main features of this syndrome are infertility and small poorly functioning testicles. Often the symptoms and signs are so subtle that even the parents and the children are unaware that the abnormality exists.

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